MBA 'Super 14' 2024
The "Super 14" follows on from the MBA Men's League and is also played on Thursday evenings. Matches start at 18:30 and run from 18th July until 15th August 2024.
The Super 14 is played by club teams comprising 1 rink of four, 2 rinks of triples and 2 rinks of pairs requiring 14 competitors per club - hence the name "Super 14". Matches are:
3 wood pairs over 18 ends
2 wood triples over 18 ends
normal (2 wood) rinks over 15 ends
to ensure that the games all finish at more or less the same time.
Scoring is 2 points per pair, triple and rink plus 2 bonus points for overall aggregate.
The Super 14 competition is divided into two sections - East and West - to reduce the amount of travelling required. Guilsfield is playing in the East section.